How to write a Pageant Bio

Writing a Pageant Bio is actually pretty easy. The problem is-we tend to over think what we really need to do.  Just remember “the 5 W’s”: who, what, when, where and why {not all in that order}.  If you follow this layout you will have a bio you can be proud of.

Start with scratch paper and write down a few lists of key words to motivate you.  Anything that will remind you and keep you focused on your important key points.

Your opening paragraph should be your name and where you are from.  We will call this the {WHO} “the early years.”  Example:

“Nicole Falsone was born and raised in New Mexico.   When she was 19 she decided to follow a career opportunity and make a move one state over to Arizona where she continued to live until her early 30’s…  ”

You can expand the early years of your life with the idea that you will next transition into your current life role.  This area will become your {WHEN} Example:

“…Born into a large Italian American family, Nicole learned early that “family” was the most important part of life.   Her love of “family” is what inspired Nicole to enter into the world of pageantry.  To Nicole, friends are like family. Her life long friends affliction with Rheumatoid Arthritis pulled her towards this cause and the need to raise awareness of this disease in young adults. She quickly realized that the best way to help her friend was to get involved on the ground level of education and support.  This was the moment when Nicole decided to start a movement- “In Motion for a Cure… ”

Your next paragraph will start your {WHAT/WHERE} section.  You want to use this space to talk about what titles you competed, captured or are currently vying for.  This area will allow you to talk about WHAT you plan to do with this opportunity (if you win) or have done in the past and plan to continue with. Think of this as your “qualifications” area:

“…Nicole captured the Title of Miss Arizona United States 2005 and quickly won the National title of Miss United States 2005.  With her title she was able to start a non-profit organization to help support and educate youth with Rheumatoid Arthritis. .  Nicole helped raise of 200,000 with her charity platforms and partners…”

Finally you need to focus on your WHY. This area to me is the most important and the reason I like to close with it.  Allow this paragraph to speak to your character and WHY you do what you do! WHY you should be given this opportunity and WHY you are the best candidate.

“For Nicole winning Miss Arizona and Miss United States was a dream come true.  But, it was not for the reason that most may think.  The beautiful crown and banner she wears are nice but her mission is much deeper then the surface.  Nicole created a movement among social media (before social media really took off).  She was determined to make the most of her titles and allow these opportunities awarded to her to help those who really need a voice. This effort quickly grew into a brand and is still alive and well today on social media with over 13,ooo followers…”

Remember to close your bio with an impactful statement about you and your mission.  What will you do in your future with or without this title.  It’s important for the judges to see that you have a “mission” and plan to move forward regardless of your win.  You show your passion and commitment!

“Nicole is now happily married to a US ARMY Special Forces Sergeant First Class and lives in North Carolina with their three children.  She is still actively involved in education and awareness of Rheumatoid Arthritis while also supporting families of Fallen Soldiers and their families.  Nicole is a Designer with Origami Owl Custom Jewelry where she leads a powerful sales team.”